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Capstone Project
DSC180B A04 G03

Welcome to AutoLibrary!

To address the difficulty of manually extracting keywords from papers and poor recommender system for related work of other websites, we built a website called AutoLibrary where users could use it as their personal digital library to save their documents and could find similar papers for each input scientific paper.

How to Use:

1. Uploads PDF papers (URLs/Local Upload). The uploaded documents of each user will not be visible to other users.

2. Select the paper you want to find similar works or keywords.

3. Select the domain of the selected paper. Right now, we only support STEM domains.

4. Select the subdomain of the selected paper if you want more domain-specific results.

5. Click “Find Keywords”. It would take about 5 minutes for the first time since it needs to extract keywords from the papers. In the end, the recommendations finding by using the top 3 quality phrases will be displayed.

6. Open the “More Customization” widget to see and select the keywords or entering your own keywords.

7. Click “Generate Results” to find similar works with new keywords.

Note: The available paper is the paper of AutoPhrase. Feel free to read and run AutoLibrary on it.

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